Wednesday, December 15, 2010


  1. memaw,
    good start on your blog. i look forward to seeing your written guides for your free hand designs. i think most experienced crocheters will be able to follow you. i hope you'll integrate your photos with your blog. it's easy to do in the editing template, especially since you already have them in flikr. i think your blog will be a nice addition to the crochet blogosphere!
    jd in st louis

  2. I love your blog. You have many wonderful things to share.

  3. Thanks to all for the encouraging and complimentary comments. I've certainly had fun learning all this 21st century stuff....memawphd

  4. I have a picture of a reindeer toy that is made out of cloth but I wanted to do it in crochet so I guess you are not the only one who can crochet something up from a picture although I haven't really done it yet but I do have it in my minds eye. Anyway good luck with your blog. You can check out my blog if you like.

  5. I don't do instructions either, I love to make it up as I go along and let the shape take form… except for pairs of socks, sleeves and baby shoes – then I have to jot down notes as I go along or I can’t get them to match!
    I’d love to see some pictures of your crochet!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks, Beth, I added the bit about Pet Peeves from what you said....second ones are a pain, aren't they!! and I have a hard time reading my own notes if I make any...for heaven's sake!!

    [sorry....forgot to preview before]


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